Social Worker
Engaging Families in the Recovery Process
2 CE credit hours training
Target audience and instructional level of this course: foundational
There is no known conflict of interest or commercial support related to this CE program.
This course introduces features of family involvement in intensive outpatient substance abuse recovery programs. Strategies for engaging families are discussed. A variety of family therapy options are outlined that can be offered by IOT programs as enhanced services, or more frequently, to which they may refer clients and their families. Family clinical issues in intensive outpatient treatment are reviewed, as well as the use of family genograms and family social network maps.
There is no known conflict of interest or commercial support related to this CE program.
This course introduces features of family involvement in intensive outpatient substance abuse recovery programs. Strategies for engaging families are discussed. A variety of family therapy options are outlined that can be offered by IOT programs as enhanced services, or more frequently, to which they may refer clients and their families. Family clinical issues in intensive outpatient treatment are reviewed, as well as the use of family genograms and family social network maps.