Social Worker
Cultural Competencies
8 CE credit hours training
Target audience and instructional level of this course: foundational
There is no known conflict of interest or commercial support related to this CE program.
Course Description
This is an intermediate level course on Cultural in the health care field and is intended for health care workers who are interested in gaining further knowledge about the biological, social, and psychological aspects of culture.
There is no known conflict of interest or commercial support related to this CE program.
Course Description
This is an intermediate level course on Cultural in the health care field and is intended for health care workers who are interested in gaining further knowledge about the biological, social, and psychological aspects of culture.
Cultural Competence in the Health Care Field
Cultural Competence Model
Flores (2000) proposed a five component model for cultural competency to help providers work with patients from any cultural group. These five components include:
Cultural Competence Model
Flores (2000) proposed a five component model for cultural competency to help providers work with patients from any cultural group. These five components include:
- Normative cultural values - The provider needs to be familiar with the cultural values of his/her patients because these values may affect the health of the patient. Familiarity with the culture can be accomplished through literature concerning the ethnic group and consultations with members of the community.
- Language issues - Interpreters are essential when the patient is not fluent in English and the provider/staff is not fluent in the patient's language.
- Folk illnesses - Learn about common folk practices/illnesses of different cultures, however do not assume that the patient adheres to these beliefs. Communication is important so it is vital to ask the patient about beliefs he/she may have and about any cu
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