Implementing Feedback-Informed Work in Agencies and Systems of Care
2.5 CE credit hours training
You have up to 3 chances to pass this test, after which the course will be unavailable for credit.
Target audience and instructional level of this course: foundational
Dr. Miller and the ICCE receive compensation through the sales of this manual. There is no outside commercial support related to this CE program and no known conflict of interest.
In this manual the implementation of Feedback-
Informed Treatment (FIT) in agencies and
healthcare systems is explored. The objective is to
guide organizational staff through the process of
implementation. Practical strategies will be provided
for each stage, including: preparation, planning, and
sustainability. This manual also includes exploration
and discussion of potential challenges as well as
suggestions for resolving the most common difficulties
encountered when implementing FIT in real world
clinical settings.
Bertolino, B., & Miller, S.D. (Eds.) (2013). The ICCE Feedback Informed Treatment manuals (Volumes 1-6). Chicago, IL: ICCE Press.
Dr. Miller and the ICCE receive compensation through the sales of this manual. There is no outside commercial support related to this CE program and no known conflict of interest.
In this manual the implementation of Feedback-
Informed Treatment (FIT) in agencies and
healthcare systems is explored. The objective is to
guide organizational staff through the process of
implementation. Practical strategies will be provided
for each stage, including: preparation, planning, and
sustainability. This manual also includes exploration
and discussion of potential challenges as well as
suggestions for resolving the most common difficulties
encountered when implementing FIT in real world
clinical settings.
Bertolino, B., & Miller, S.D. (Eds.) (2013). The ICCE Feedback Informed Treatment manuals (Volumes 1-6). Chicago, IL: ICCE Press.