Effectively Treating Insomnia with Non-Pharmacologic Interventions
3 CE credit hours training
You have up to 3 chances to pass this test, after which the course will be unavailable for credit.
Target audience and instructional level of this course: foundational
There is no known conflict of interest or commercial support related to this CE program.
Chronic insomnia is highly prevalent in our society, and it is a major cost to society in terms of health care expenditure and reduced productivity. Non-pharmacologic interventions have been studied and shown to produce reliable and sustained improvements in sleep patterns of patients with insomnia. This course surveys the identification of chronic insomnia and a variety of effective non-pharmacologic interventions for it.
There is no known conflict of interest or commercial support related to this CE program.
Chronic insomnia is highly prevalent in our society, and it is a major cost to society in terms of health care expenditure and reduced productivity. Non-pharmacologic interventions have been studied and shown to produce reliable and sustained improvements in sleep patterns of patients with insomnia. This course surveys the identification of chronic insomnia and a variety of effective non-pharmacologic interventions for it.