CEUnits Blog

Stomp Out the Stigma of Postpartum and Perinatal Depression

April 14th, 2016


Many women feel guilty about feelings of separation that arise before and after the birth of their child. While postpartum depression has become more widely discussed and accepted, antenatal and perinatal depression are often overlooked or simply unheard of. If this is your first pregnancy, everything likely seems overwhelming. How can you prepare yourself for something that you’ve never experienced? Don’t hope for the best and ignore the possibility, create a psychotherapy plan during the early stages of your pregnancy.

The surge of hormones you experience during the late stages of pregnancy can create many significant changes in your life. Appearing in its most basic form, foods you once loved might suddenly seem unappealing. The bigger changes will be the change in lifestyle and dealing with exhaustion. If you are a professional, your regimented schedule will change to accommodate your new child. A simple change in schedule can cause more stress than you might realize. Social activities may become more difficult causing you to feel isolated. Depression doesn’t have to run in your family to develop the symptoms of postpartum and antenatal depression.

Devise a plan for every stage of pregnancy. Prepare for the both the slim possibilities and the inevitable changes. The more planning you do and the earlier you do it will make for a much less stressful pregnancy experience.

For more information on creating a pregnancy psychotherapy plan download our class Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Antenatal and Postpartum Depression

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